Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Announcements from the Chief of MacLea, the ancient historical name of the Livingstones.
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Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Bachuil »

Dear Clansmen and Clanswomen,

In 2017 the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs is working with The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo to provide an extra element to this world famous event.

Each year, the Tattoo looks to establish a core theme which embraces, draws strength from – and adds weight to – major national anniversaries and other initiatives.

2017 is Scotland’s ‘Year of Heritage, History and Archaeology’, and the Tattoo has chosen to support this through the theme ‘Splash of Tartan’, playing host to a stunning array of performers from all points of the compass. In a Royal Navy lead year, the Tattoo will set sail with the Massed Bands of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines to celebrate the heritage, colour and diversity of Scotland’s global family both near and far. As well as a spectacular show the audience will be invited to come dressed in their Clan, Family or group tartan or just one that they like wearing.

As part of the programme the Tattoo and the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs have joined together to involve Scottish Clans and Families. Clan Chiefs will attend the show across the August run and invite supporters to attend on their night wearing their tartan. As part of the show the Tattoo will look to bring to life the past and present story of the Scottish Clans and Families and their importance as part of Scotland’s national heritage and future identity.

If you are not familiar with the Tattoo it is the headline event of the Edinburgh Festival each August. It has a cast of 1,200 performers from all over the world. There are 25 shows running from Thursday 3rd August to Saturday 26th August (two on Saturdays, none on Sundays). There is an audience of 8,000 each night but the TV coverage has a global audience of a staggering 1 billion people.

A Splash of Tartan will be the theme for Tattoo. The organisers have discussed the Chiefs being involved as follows:

1. Chief to attend as a principal guest
2. Chief to march into performance at head of his or her clansmen (who must wear tartan).We are hoping for about 100 kilted supporters for the chiefs each night
3. Chief to take Dram with Pipe Major to open performance
4. Clan theme to be run through show in conjunction with Royal Navy theme
5. Individual clan tartans to be projected onto Edinburgh Castle
6. Tattoo to let us buy tickets before they go on sale to general public so that clansmen can attend in numbers.
7. Clans to benefit from Tattoo marketing and publicity – major digital campaign aimed at Diaspora

This will be a huge opportunity to raise the profile of the Scottish clans and families and for the chiefs and clansmen who attend to have a very special experience.

Clan MacLea have been allotted the 10.30pm performance on Saturday 19th August and 150 subsidised tickets. Soon I shall post details of how to purchase tickets online. Please note that you will have to wear tartan (preferably one of ours) to gain admittance using these tickets. Ticket prices will vary from about £29 to £300. £120 for Premier Seats in front of the Royal Gallery. Royal Gallery Hospitality packages are £300+ each. . It goes without saying that any tickets we buy must be for our own use and not to sell on.

We will be allowed to buy tickets on a sale or return basis very soon November, before they go on sale to the general public on 1st December. Please note that the organisers will want the supporters to be dispersed throughout the stadium so that there will be minimal disruption when they take their seats after the ceremonial dram.

Each clan will have their own unique login on the Tattoo website and, at the point of login, they will be advised/reminded of the performance date when their particular clan (s) will be represented. They can, however, select any performance date and purchase up to a maximum of eight tickets from the seat allocations set aside for the clans. Online bookings will be subject to a £5.00 booking fee per transaction and tickets will be sold on a no exchange or refund basis. Payment can be made by credit or debit card.

Should anyone have specific requirements which are not covered by the allocation, such as hospitality packages or Royal Gallery seats, then normal booking procedures will apply.

In the first instance, the clans and families allocation will be held until 1 March 2017
and sales will be monitored on a weekly and monthly basis. At this time, we will review the situation and, subject to sales to date and general seat availability at that time, we may propose the release of some, or all, of the remaining allocation, or indeed a top-up to the allocation if required.
The Baron of Bachuil,
Coarb of St Moluag
Chief of MacLea
Greg Livingston
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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Greg Livingston »

I urge any of our members that have been interested in a trip to Scotland to consider this. My wife and I will be discussing and looking to change our original plans.
Greg Livingston
Clan Commissioner
Ankeny, Iowa, USA
Kaye Saunders
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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Kaye Saunders »

Love the Tattoo - been four times I think. Have to have a serious look at my finances to see if I can make this though as I wasn't planning another trip until I retire. The tattoo is an absolutely wonderful experience, and I too urge clan members to go if they can.

on the other side of the earth
Greg Livingston
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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Greg Livingston »

For all of those that have contacted me regarding how to log in for our clan allocation of tickets, I will be receiving that information from our Chief soon and will forward it to you. Please send me an email at commissioner at clanlivingstone dot com to be added to the list.

Thank you,
Greg Livingston
Clan Commissioner
Ankeny, Iowa, USA
Greg Livingston
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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Greg Livingston »

For all that are interested in going to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on Clan MacLea (Livingstone) night, please let me know as soon as possible. We have been extended through 31 March for the special tickets in certain rows. Please let me know so that I can get the login information to you in time.
Greg Livingston
Clan Commissioner
Ankeny, Iowa, USA
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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by admin »

I have to say that I very much regret having agreed to take part in this event. As a Clan Chief we get asked to functions as a guest. Initially we were told that we would be guests in the Royal Box. Then we were told that,as the Tattoo could sell these tickets for hundreds of pounds. we would have to pay for them. Naturally few of us were impressed so I bought seats to sit with my family and friends. Now we have been told that we are to be in the Royal Box after all - so rather embarrassingly will not be sitting with my family and friends.
We hope the Chiefs designated to a particular night will come together with a retinue of around 50 clansmen, at a venue (tbc) close by, to be welcomed by a representative of the Lord Provost (and briefed on proceedings) before processing up the Lawnmarket and Castlehill to the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle. On arrival, the Chiefs and their retinues will be greeted by the Garrison Duty Officer and formed up on the Esplanade to await the arrival of the Salute Taker. The Chiefs will join the Salute Taker for a Salute by the Guard of Honour followed by the Ceremony of the Quaich.
There are quite a few niggles. The booking system managed to confuse most people. I think some gave up. The Tattoo now tell us that due to the Data Protection Act they cannot let me know who is attending!!!!!

Nor has any venue been arranged for us to meet so I am trying to organise something - but it very much depends on numbers.

Having said that the Tattoo should be on many a bucket list and is quite a spectacle.

Here is the briefing. We will need to organise somewhere to meet.

Dear All
Thank you to those who attended The Tattoo briefing given by Brigadier David Allfrey on Tuesday.  I hope that you agree that it is going to be a fun and memorable experience for all of us.  I promised to give those who could not attend an update on the arrangements.  I attach an extract from Brigadier Allfrey’s Power Point with all the organisational detail.
Several questions have arisen.  I detail below the answers to these.  Please feel free to contact me (and not The Tattoo) with any organisational queries. Please contact the Tattoo Ticket Office direct with any ticketing queries. 
1.     Time and Place of arrival. Please note that you are required to arrive at the Castlehill Security Barrier (see plan in attachment) two hours before the performance.
2.     Issuing of Tickets.  The Tattoo Ticket Office will be posting out tickets tomorrow (Friday 7th July).  These will include wrist bands and joining instructions.  If your supporters have already left home please get them to email the ticket office tickets@edintattoo.co.uk and they can arrange to pick tickets up in person from The Ticket Office at 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh.
3.     Wrist Bands.  It is essential that everyone in your retinue has a wrist band.  If they do not they will be held back along with the general public and will not be allowed to join the retinue and procession. 
4.     Transferring Wrist Bands.  We are aware that wrist bands will be issued to some people who do not want to (or are unable to) walk up to the Great Hall and to march back down again.  These people will be welcome to take their seats in the stands early (before the general public get in).  Alternatively, if you have someone in your clan or family who wants to join your retinue but does not have a wrist band they can be transferred to them.   Please note that you must not give wrist bands to any third parties who you do not know and who are not part of your clan or family.
5.     Dress Code.  There is no dress code and everyone with a wrist band will be allowed in.  However, we are going to be in the public eye and as much tartan as possible in encouraged.  If your followers do not have tartan please ask them to wear natural fibres and muted colours so that they do not spoil the look of your parade.
6.     Pipers.  Every Clan and Family is encouraged to bring a piper to lead your parade.  If you do not have one please let me know and I will ask The Tattoo to provide a military piper for you.  There are going to be two or three clans each night so the pipers of the different clans will need to agree what tunes to play.  They should plan for 10 minutes play.  9 minutes from the Great Hall to the drawbridge.  The last minute on the esplanade.   Pipers will be given the opportunity to tune up with the massed pipe bands in the “Big Blaw” beforehand on most nights.
7.     Storage of Banners and Instruments.  The Tattoo will securely store banners and instruments during the performance.  These must not be taken into the stands.  The Tattoo will not insure them so you must ensure that you have your own insurance.
8.     Weapons.  There will be no weapons unless you have already made a special arrangements with The Tattoo. There are definitely no sgian dubhs.
9.     Catering.  Despite The Tattoo considerable efforts on our behalf they have not been allowed to cater for us in the Great Hall.  Please get your followers to eat and drink beforehand.  For those of you who want to have a dram and de-brief with your followers afterwards you will be very welcome at http://www.whiskirooms.co.uk in North Bank Street (at the top of The Mound) who have a late licence.
10.  Photographers.  The Tattoo will not be providing professional photographers.  They will be happy for your own photographer to focus on your clan but he or she must have a ticket and wrist band, be appropriately dressed and take instructions from the organisers.
I hope this helps.  Please email me with any further organisational questions.  If you email me about ticketing I will refer you back to The Tattoo Ticket office.
Yours Aye
Jamie Macnab of Macnab

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Re: Edinburgh Military Tattoo Saturday 19 Aug 2017

Post by Bachuil »

I attach an update on the Tattoo.
Dear All
The first four performances have gone very well.  The audience and Tattoo staff have all enjoyed the colour that the Clans have added.  All the clans folk who have attended seem to have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and some wonderful images have been captured. 
I attach a 4 minute video of the Hays and Macnabs on the preview night to illustrate our role, along the photographs taken by Ian Georgeson (info@iangeorgesonphotography.co.uk).  I strongly recommend Ian if you need a photographer.
There are a few supplementary points:
1.     Cromach Ceremony.  That Tattoo have acquired cromachs for the Clans Chiefs to present to the Salute Taker at the Reception in the Royal Gallery after The Tattoo. This has added a really nice touch and further enhanced the Chiefs profile amongst the VIP guests.  Please can all the Chiefs stay on at the reception until this ceremony has been completed.
2.     Taking Seats after Fall Out on esplanade.  Please can you brief your retinue to take their seats quickly (depositing banners etc) at the Fall Out.  Ushers will be on hand to guide them.
3.     Walk up to Great Hall.  Again please can you lead your retinue to the Royal Gallery in a timely manner when the ADC and Daisy instruct you to move forward from the meeting point.  There have been a couple of very elderly clans folk who have insisted on joining the retinue but have really struggled to make it up the hill. It will be better for the less mobile to take their seats in the stands.
4.     It goes without saying but only the retinue should go up to the Great Hall.  There is no way of getting stragglers back down other than in the march.
5.     Dress has been excellent so far with plenty of tartan.  There have been one or two exceptions.  A bright orange anorak was worn and one clansman in jeans pulled a child in a buggy.  Please remember you are on public display on the esplanade and dress warm but in appropriate clothes to include as much tartan possible.      
If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask me or Daisy, our clan page, who will look after you on the night.
Yours Aye
Jamie Macnab of Macnab
The Baron of Bachuil,
Coarb of St Moluag
Chief of MacLea
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