Macaulay and Mackinlay

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Canadian Livingstone
Posts: 2773
Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:00 pm

Macaulay and Mackinlay

Post by Canadian Livingstone »

It might not be too easy to find these days, but a good Tartan book is Sir Thomas Innes of Learney - Lord Lyon's 1938 publication "Tartans of the Clans and Families of Scotland. It has been reprinted a few times since. I am sure if there are any modern editions. It includes one of the earliest drawings of a Livingstone tartan and also has some good information on Clan Macaulay and MacKinlay. I managed to find a copy of this book in a used book store that was selling of its inventory last year. Interestingly it was not the only tartan book published in 1938 to feature a reproduction of the Livingstone tartan. Robert Bain's book was published a few months earlier than Lord Lyons that year. Donald (Livingstone) Clink