MacIvor Connection?

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Donald Livingstone Clink
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Castle of Kerneburgh and John MacMolmari

Post by Donald Livingstone Clink »

Putting aside the MacSweeny-Maolmuire family connection for the moment, if I follow the Lyons Conjectural Tree Maolmuire grandson of Dunsleeve(1) had a son Dunsleeve (2) This second Dunsleeve would be a McMaolmuire. I thought I had found your first mysterious 13th century McMaolmuire to followed by John and others in a vague way using the Lyon Conjectural Tree but as you say this is not likely the correct family line based upon your more thorough research of the old Ulster Irish families. I wasn't paying much significance to the MacSweenys except that in the early 1500's an interesting family history was written, pertaining to early origins of the family. It was my understanding that the family did not fare well with the other clans and went back to IReland. Do we have a correct date for the son of John McMaelmoire being held prisoner rather than 1344?Sometime in the 1300's I suppose. Rob stated Dunavertie which is on Mull isn't it? If so this might place this early Maelmoire near Morvern and the Isle of Lismore. I guess he might not neccessarily be from the Isle of Lismore family. Maolmuire is servant of Mary and Maolious is said to be the Gaelic for Miles. Servant of Jesus I think it means.The latin is very close to that isnt it Milesius or something like that. Interesting because as you know Gaelic and latin generally speaking have little in common according to language experts.
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Castle of Kerneburgh and John MacMolmari

Post by Bachuil »

Maol is Gaelic for bald, but it was also used to mean a monks tonsure.
The Baron of Bachuil,
Coarb of St Moluag
Chief of MacLea
Donald Livingstone Clink
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Castle of Kerneburgh and John MacMolmari

Post by Donald Livingstone Clink »

I also found it confusing that McMaelmoire was said by the Lismore scholars as
Donald Livingstone Clink
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MacIvor Connection?

Post by Donald Livingstone Clink »

Regarding John McMaelmoire Vic Kiver mentioned in the 1544 Charter in possession of the Livingstones of Bachuil,I have to correct my earlier assertion and acknowledge that this is an example of a two generation patronymic byname. As was common practice in the Highlands at this time, John is not identified by an inherited surname or clan name of his father and grandfather, surnames or clan names not generally being used to identify a person in the highlands until much later.