Which Dunsleve?

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Donald Livingstone Clink
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Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:17 pm

Anrothan or Loarn?

Post by Donald Livingstone Clink »

Well perhaps not entirely surprising that those individuals that have been tested would have somewhat similar DNA patterns to the MacGregors as they probably have with certain other families in highlands. The results of the MacGregor tests so far would seem to indicate that they have in the words of the MacGregor's "a strong connection with Irish DNA results which suggests a tradition of Dalriadric origins." Furthermore the results also showed that persons with Scandinavian/Norwegian/viking origins intermarried into the MacGregor clan probably about 400 years ago or thereabouts. No doubt some of the Maconleas from the Isle of Lismore, Morvern/Mull and Benderlock have DNA that indentifies some Scandinavian ancestry given the history of the region. No doubt as more tests are done on families from Western Argyll it will be shown that we have strong DNA similarties with other clans with Irish and Scandinavian origins showing up to a greater or lesser degree in families which show similar DNA patterns with.
Rob Livingston2
Posts: 0
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am

DNA Sampling and Interpretation

Post by Rob Livingston2 »

I thought I'd give you an idea of the sampling that has been generated since these projects were conceived in 2003.