Married clergy prior to 1200 AD on the Isle of Lismore?

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Donald Livingstone Clink
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Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:17 pm

Married clergy prior to 1200 AD on the Isle of Lismore?

Post by Donald Livingstone Clink »

I must of missed this one important detail. Perhaps your all a step ahead of me on this one as many of you are Scottish and more familiar than I with the history of the church. For my part I was surprised to learn that there were married clergy in Celtic Scottish Catholic church prior to the year 1200 AD and before the Church in Rome established themselves in Argyll. Assuming that some of the families in Argyll are descended from these married Clergymen, then some of these first names of religious origin such as Maelmoire (Myles)(servant of Mary) and Gillemichael could have had been the names of some ancient men of the church who served