New User Registration Introduction Page

Forum rules
This forum contains an introductory post from new users to verify their suitability. Existing users are requested to put a post here too. The post in all cases should include your actual name, country of residence and your interest in the Clan. New Users should Start a NEW TOPIC from the route of this section.
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Site Admin
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 12:02 pm

New User Registration Introduction Page

Post by admin »

The Clan Forum warmly welcomes new users and encourages you to register.

In an effort to stop spam we have set up this Introduction Forum for New Users who have just registered. Your only posting on this Topic should be a brief introduction which should include:
  • your actual name,
  • country of residence,
  • your interest in the Clan,
  • and any other brief relevant information
For Existing Users we would really appreciate a brief posting here.

Each User should have their own Topic. So New Registrants should create a new topic on the link below.
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