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Question re the ages of the sons of the SNP R-S764

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:27 am
by IanDFraser

Whilst the creator of this site (Rob Spencer) has placed a number of caveats on the information he has provided, nevertheless the results can certainly raise some questions. The one that I have is that there appears to be a substantial difference in when the "Sons" of R-S764 have appeared before the present day. For example, my Terminal SNP (R-FT96511), which is a direct descendant of R-S764, is estimated to be 880yrs from the present day whereas the Baron's direct descendant from R-S764 (namely R-BY3148) is estimated to be about 1600yrs from the present date. The Baron's Terminal SNP is 1500yrs from the present date. I understand that the term "Sons" does not mean that the two are brothers but rather are descendant from R-S764 but the age is substantial. My question is, does you have an idea of what the time frames are for each of the sons of R-S764?

To assist, here is a list of the SNP's directly descendant from R-S764 from which Rob from the SNP Tracker has provided estimates;

S756 - 1400 yrs before present time
Z17611 - 1400 yrs before present time
FGC23770 - 920 yrs before present time
BY3148 - 1600 yrs before present time
Y16252 - 1400 yrs before present time
A13318 - 1500 yrs before present time
BY19745 - 1400 yrs before present time
BY205916 - 880 yrs before present time
FGC28985 - 1200 yrs before present time
BY73740 - 880 yrs before present time
FT96511 - 880 yrs before present time

NB: An interesting observation is that those SNP's that are the youngest (880yrs) are the ones that do not have any descending SNP's and the 2nd youngest (920yrs) only has one descending SNP. Question 2 is would one of my unmatched private variant SNP's fall between S764 and my current Terminal SNP of FT96511 as there is a long period of time between S764 and my Terminal SNP?

