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Clans, Families and Kinship Structures in Scotland

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:08 am
by Bruce
"Clans, Families and Kinship Structures in Scotland"—An Essay
by Bruce Durie
Independent Researcher, Angus, Scotland, UK
"Genealogy 2022",

A valuable resource for Researchers - * freely available

Re: Clans, Families and Kinship Structures in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:54 am
by Canadian Livingstone
HI Bruce,
Looking forward to reading this. I quite enjoy reading any accounts of the early origins of the Scottish people. Thanks for sharing with the Forum.

The popularity of DNA testing in recent years has also shed new light on the origins and connections of some ancient highland and lowland Scottish families and has greatly helped those of Scottish family ancestry. By the 19th century the highland clans were romanticized and tartans became popularized in the lowlands but in the 19th century lowland newspapers often reflected the disdain and lack of sympathy - one might even say prejudice- that some folks in the lowlands had regarding highland families particularly those struggling tenant families. For a number of years after the 1745 Rebellion highlanders were prohibited from wearing their family tartan but eventually the ban ended. Unfortunately I understand by that time some of the tartan makers had long since died. I can't remember his name but I think in the early 1800's with a resurgence of interest and a new found romanticizing of the highlander and the highlands thanks in part to Sir Walter Scott, there was a interest in the lowlands with tartan. I read some years ago of the effort in the early 1800s' I think it was to research and to try to identify the historic tartans worn by the old highland clans prior to ban on wearing tartans.



Re: Clans, Families and Kinship Structures in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:25 am
by Bruce
Another point for researchers to note in Post Culloden Scotland-

Why do "Noble Titles" of our Scottish Ancestors only appear from before 1745 ?

(1) They were abolished after the Culloden Defeat in 1745-46; to quote Wikipedia...

Feudal Lordships were all but abolished by Act of Parliament in 1747, following the Jacobite rising.
A Feudal Barony no longer carries any political power as such, although the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 has preserved the baronies themselves, and the quality, precedence and heraldic rights pertaining to these Baronies.
Between 1500 and 2000 Feudal Baronies may have been created, mostly in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, since only about 400 Baronies are identified as existing in 1405.
(2) Because they fell into disuse; the substantiating paperwork for only a few hundred survives or has been identified. Burke's Landed Gentry for Scotland lists only about 130.